Procrastination should be punishable by Death

Date: 9/9/2017

By nicolesal

I was running a school musical and kept putting off starting rehearsals even though I had the songbooks etc. Then various other parts of the dream happened - a whole sequence about being at home with chickens and ducks. Then I was in a carpark (related to Forsythia) and I watched three big palm trees fall although only one fell on a car and it was ok. All this time I was telling myself that The production was soon but I still had time, even though it was rushed and I was making plans in my head to use all the time available. But then I went into school and looked at my diary and by then the show was in a week and the kids didn't even know the songs. So I had to cancel the show and tell the kids. They were all so mad at me and I knew that they were justified despite the reasons I had why I had been slack. That's when I woke up.