Going to the doctor, wearing shorts with unshaven legs, and nostalgia

Date: 10/25/2019

By pinkstar16121

So in real life I caught a case of laryngitis from the cold I've had for the past few days. I couldn't speak above a whisper yesterday. Today is better probably because I literally spent all day breathing in steam from a steaming bowl of water. I dreamt that my dad picked me up from my house and dropped me off at the doctor. I remember getting there and realizing I didn't have my walker, but I was like whatever. Then I saw someone I knew from high school. She asked me how I was and I said "not doing so well," in the voice I had yesterday. I was being honest because I was sick. I figured she probably couldn't even hear me because my voice was so inaudible. Then there was another part where I was wearing shorts with unshaven legs. I wasn't as embarrassed as I should have been though. My logic was it was okay my legs were unshaven because it's the time of year where women don't shave their legs, but I wasn't thinking about how it's okay because no one sees, but if I'm going to wear shorts, which I don't even know why I would at that time of year (it was the time of year it is now), it's a good idea to shave! Another part: I was at the movies with my mom and this lady asked us to to move to the back. She led us there. I didn't understand why we had to move, but once we got to where she led us, I realized the seats were fine and we could still see the screen fine, actually better than from the other seats. Another vague part: I was in my uncle's old backyard from before he got a garden and patio. I was thinking about their neighbor who we used to play with as kids and how there used to be a tire swing in between their yards. I was wondering what happened to it.