
Date: 7/3/2016

By Boygan

i was in a deep valley of estate homes. there were thiefs that would stalk there in the night. They would edge the perimeter of the home, and through the windows I would hear them always. One day they all broke in. I gained a sort of adrenaline strength, and held two of the thiefs hostage. While the others looked on I burned pieces of their hair with a lighter, and would've burned their heads if they hadn't left. One had a javelin, one had a crossbow, and the other a sort of modern bow. I didn't want to hurt them so I scared them away by spearing one of them non-vitally with a javelin. I said something about Achilles (though that was with a bow) and then couldn't sleep in the dream because the exchange made me too "awake". They left, and I went to visit a family at the top of one of the estate homes to tell him what happened and talk in general. The home was maze-like and his family was eating, but he was like a brother and talked in a separate room. I recognized the still life in the room in the background and suddenly the scene drastically shifted. I was then in San Marcos with Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and other similarly vying party members. We were at a school's football game walking to the stands, as a lady informed me about school spirit. Other party members were there throwing back and forth insults and talking, paradoxically, about the Bible. The dream ended as I looked at a Painting of Jesus on the front of one of their books.