Prostitution Comic Shop

Date: 4/8/2018

By royallauren7

I dreamt that I was living in a city with Andrew and his cousin. We all lived in a small cheap apartment. I made a friend and she invited me to a comic shop she liked and she said she would introduce me to her other friends. The place was really dark and dingy, like the rest of the city. I was talking to the girls there and they were telling me they were prostitutes and they made lots of money and they were encouraging me to join them. I told them that my mother was a prostitute so I knew lots about it, but I would never want to do that. They seemed offended so I walked away to look at the comics. A man came up to me and jumped on me in the middle of the store, knocking down all the racks. He was holding me down, groping me and trying to remove my clothes. The girls jumped on him and pulled him off of me. I thanked them and ran home in a frenzy. When I got to the apartment, I screamed for Andrew and I burst into the apartment and told him I had been assaulted. Neither him nor his cousin seemed to care. I fell down on the bed in despair.