At first It was a cupboard with small doors. Then the doors turned into a curtain and the cupboard revealed 5 people inside, sleeping. There was a woman with exposed breasts, probably about to get it on with her partner. They were sweaty, and they said they were renting out the cupboard because they got no place to stay. I offered them an electric fan because it was so hot. We were in a dilapilated house, and I turned into the dirty kitchen to wash the dishes. I was helping out my sister who was feding her children. I offered food to the people in the cupboard, they declined. A branch of a tree was sticking into the broken wall of the house . There was a huge dragonfly, about 5 inches long. It was trying to hide under the foliage of the branch, carrying something. I quietly approached it and caught it, holding its back while pinning the wings beside its body. I saw it holding a green worm, maybe its about to eat it. It wont let go of the worm though.
Date: 7/27/2016
By jooquialda