
Date: 6/5/2020

By SpinierFormula4

I am at my school in the courtyard under the tree in front of the gym’s auditorium entrance, before the fences and gates to the main buildings. The sky is overcast and the latest addition to the buildings, the New C building, is absent here. I have friends and I am popular. I am surrounded by my friends when I realize I need to start heading for the bus loop in order to leave. Then, in a completely predictable and overdub turn of events, I realize I’m missing my lunchbox. I think to myself, “Seriously, another lunchbox dream? This is so overdone and boring. I want something new. Why don’t I just keep my lunchbox in my backpack like real life?” I do not keep my lunchbox in my backpack in real life. My sister runs up to me with her backpack on, I know that she goes to the same school as me in this dream. She offers to help me find my lunchbox and I accept. I watch as she enters the game old C building and I know that she goes downstairs. There is no basement in that building in real life. Almost no time pases and I decide to go after her. At this point I don’t really care about my lunchbox and am just trying to find my sister. I enter the door that faces toward the buses, the same one she did. The mood of the dream takes a turn here. Instead of hallways and doors it’s a menacing elevator. I step inside. The entire elevator is cold, grey steel, which includes the ceiling and floor. The buttons are on the right side of the door and include a middle circle and then up and down arrows, so I press the down arrow. The elevator groans and falls straight down, but the fall only lasts a second. My stomach drops and I feel the short fall and the respective crash. I think to myself, “Phew, don’t wanna do that again. Looks like the cable must’ve snapped and dropped the elevator. Wow. Realistic... But why am I still awake if I already fell?” I act cocky but in reality I am afraid. The doors of the elevator connect like teeth together, a zigzag line in the middle instead of a straight one. Something is sparking. Even though I don’t press any buttons, I open the door knowing I’m not gonna like what is behind it. The scene is something akin to the backrooms, only the walls are a dingy orange and are made of some sort of brick or cinderblock, like my school walls are. The floor is a deep blue and made of that nonslip rubber flooring with the raised two dimensional circles, only the rubber it continues up the wall for about a foot as if the entire place was supposed to be flooded up to that point and then waded through. I’m nervous. I’ve never had a dream like this before. I continue forward, turning corners at random. Some time passes and suddenly my point of view shifts. I am a little taller than what I would be sitting down and my vision feels like it’s been widened. Like drinking a strong swiftness potion in Minecraft only with more emphasis on the sides of your vision instead of all of it. I can feel Mackenzie RIGHT next to me and also behind me and also below me. I am scared and confused. I move my head, searching for her. My head feels heavy, like it’s hard to turn, and she is nowhere in sight. I say aloud, “Why can’t I see you?!” I look down and I see we are sitting next to each other, but I don’t see Mackenzie’s head, almost like looking down in a first person video game, but it’s as if I was playing as both myself and as her. We’re both slumped over like we’re dead and I think we’re propped up against some sort of hard object. My lunchbox is sitting next to us. I look to my left to try and see her face and I’m met with the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen in a dream. The wall is much closer than I would have thought, and a half pillar is extended out directly next to us. A shard of glass is haphazardly tapes directly at eye level and I am horrified at the reflection. My sisters face is sickeningly sewn to mine. Our skin is realistically stretched out to meet the stitches and we are connected like we have bicepphaly, like those baby cows with two heads. My left and her right eyeball are sewn together. I look horrified but Mackenzie looks almost dead, like she’s been sitting there for hours or days and is in a state of shock or something. I feel the presence of the thing that sewed us together behind my right shoulder. It was the thing that crashed the elevator. It was the thing that propped us up in this corner and taped that shard of glass there. It wants us to be scared of it. I know somehow that it smiles. I wake up.