Violent Nightmare Involving a Terrible Man who Tortures me in Dreams, & Owning my Very Own Female Android but with... Limits on the Perks

Date: 5/29/2018

By fluffytree

So I'm not sure if this is a recurring dream or if this feeling of familiarity is a false memory, but I keep having this dream where this evil sadistic man keeps coming for me. Word is that he works for the Devil himself and has been cursed to live a life where he must murder someone everyday in a brutal way in order to keep his own life. It's a really messed up situation and so he keeps a big list of people he wants to torture and murder. Lots of times he'll just torture someone for days on end everyday before killing them and it seems he's got henchman to also do killings for him. They don't get extended life though, just the guy. One life taken is equal to another day of life so if he kills or has 5 people killed in the same day then that's 5 days where he can live a somewhat normal life.. He recruits new people to do his killings and torture saying how he'll kill them if they don't do as he says. So I've been on his list of people to torture as well as recruit but I always manage to escape somehow. I think I stay in a classroom where it's somewhat safe to be, but eventually even that isn't a safe space cos he walks right on in and takes 3 kids and leaves. I'm not sure what he did with them but he returned without them and instead held a case full of torturing tools like knives, scalpels, needles and other such things. I found myself suddenly strapped to a chair and knew he was about to torture me and then I realized I had forgotten that he tortures me everytime I see him and rarely do I get away unscathed. He began asking me questions and trying to convince me to join his team of murderers but I would not. So he takes out a tool used to remove fingernails and proceeds to take the nail from my thumb off. He stops right before he does it as he gets interrupted and called away by someone. When he returns he forgets how he was torturing me and gets out a sewing needle from his case and says he'll stick it in my eye unless I submit. I say I still can't but plead with him not to blind me because my sight is my most valuable quality especially as a visual artist. He sympathizes and agrees that it would be a shame to blind an artist, but then just as he's putting it back he pulls out a butcher knife and stabs me in my right eye several times. They were very clean cuts that pierced through at least 85% of my eye. Surely I thought I was blind but I did find I could still see from it but my vision was blurry. I couldn't believe he was so evil as to do this and wanted nothing more than to kill him. But I didn't get the chance because the dream changed scenes and next thing I know I was watching him recruit a younger Bill Cosby. Him already being a monster anyway due to being a serial rapist, I wasn't surprised at how fast Cosby joined up. Not only did he join fast but was very willing to kill for the man on the very first day too. He wasted no time finding some poor innocent guy off the street that he forced onto the ground and fiercely stomped his face into a bloody mushy mess. He did it all with that classic Cosby smile too. He couldn't have found a better candidate to do his murderous deeds. I woke up in a panic shortly after that. When I finally did manage to fall asleep again I found myself in some kind of school maybe and my room was on campus near my new classroom. I had my very own female android living in my room and she was pretty attractive. She looked early 40s and had a thicker body type, but my first thought was that I wanted to see what sex would be like. Afterall, surely it must be better than masturbating. But, she seemed very human too and wouldn't just let me have sex with her whenever I wanted. She needed to clean first or I had to do something for her like complete my homework or something. It was really annoying. In fact I never even got to have sex with her because I ended up having to go to class to get something I left behind and then on my way back the moped I rode there broke down. I was forced to wait around for a tow truck even after two of my teachers stopped to help. I woke up again right after this too.