The Christmas tree and the Curry

Date: 1/13/2018

By Norswil

I'm in the botanical gardens, helping to erect a fake christmas tree with a few strangers... i do reconise one of them though, Phil, my ex gf's brother in law. About 5 of us in total. Pulling a branch up i go to tie it in "no no, like this" a one of the guys, a short balding fellow, took the branch and placed it correctly. I left from under the base of the tree to stand with Tim who was watching a short distance away to see the progress. It looked magical! Well it just looked like a real tree and couldn't be defined against the other real trees surrounding it in the garden. It was night but in the small clearing of grass there was a glowing light and the colours were vivid, kind of like the animated Alice in Wonderland how the surrounding forest is always in darkness. "Now that's a christmas tree!" Tim and i exclaimed together. Now it was time to eat. A very short walk down the path had us at Samurai bowl, a local Japanese restaurant back home, not the one I know and love but a version that was actually in Japan. Fixie and Gina were there lined up and waiting patiently for the favourite dish, the kareage, chicken curry. Tim sees a guitar and cannot help but run over to play it. He starts playing but at the expense of the quiet ambiance of the place. He starts playing and singing 'I want to hold your hand' by the Beatles, shouting the chorus very loudly "I wanna hold your haa haa haaand! I wanna hold your hand!!" Everyone in the restaurant becomes agitated by this and he is thrown out. I happily have my curry with Fixie and Gina. Now, i'm sitting on the floor at the Chester st house, Fixie and Gina's house, quietly talking about something, whispering, trying to be very quiet for some reason. Next moment, i'm home and i've just helped dad install a new display cabinet for mum. Then we receive some bad news, 2 of the neighbors have sold their farms and have moved away, they were crucial somehow to my parents selling their own property. So now they're forced to sell their house. A big argument breaks out between mum and dad, a yelling match, mum storms off, it's all very tense. I leave... it was time for more curry back at Samurai bowl and i needed to meet everyone back at the christmas tree at the gardens. So i arrive back to a small bustling crowd admiring the tree. Tim is still here, guitar in hand and by the looks of him has had a hard time getting a curry! He's covered in blobs of curry from trying to fight his way in. His hair was sticking out in all different directions and a madness in his eyes, a slight twitch. He was tweaked! I line up at the door "Tim, stand behind me and just relax." he looks to start another round of 'I want to hold your hand', I stop him and line up quietly, respectfully. We get the curries and Tim celebrates with a "fuck yeah!" And a few fist pumps.