Date: 2/18/2025
By UniqueStarque
Standing on the beach, the tide rose. My grandparents were standing behind me. Behind them, was a large house. The sky was darkening with clouda behind the house. We all stepped through the house to a porch on the back, and saw the clouds. Alone, I went back to the front of the house and saw the tide had risen more than it ever had, the earth was flooding. I looked up and saw the faintness of the daytime moon, but then I saw the sun. The sun looks almost identical to the fainted moon. The sun was dark. I ran back to my grandparents on the back porch of the house and tried to explain this meant it is the end of time, Christ is coming back, and they need to surrender to Him urgently. They did not take me seriously, but they knew something was wrong with the rising water and the fainting sun. Because of the rising water, we were forced to a split boat slide. The left boat was for unbelievers, and the right for believers in Christ. Pawpaw tried to get in my slide, but I explained that he couldn't, as this boat was only for those who believe in Christ and follow Him. He doesn't fully understand, but gets in his left boat with Nana. The whole time I'm pleading that they believe in and surrender to Christ, as judgement is coming soon and they must be ready. I realize, this is not something I've pleaded with during my normal time of life with them. I feel shame and regret, but continue to plead before our boats depart to our separate sides. I soon find myself excited, filled with anticipation for the joy that awaits me ahead. Thoughts of how I could have done more with my life, been more obedient, trusted God more, told more people, quickly run through my mind. But them I'm filled with peace as I'm reminded of the mighty grace of God, and I look forward to seeing Him. So much joy.