Date: 9/27/2016
By comatose-dreamer
A guy that looked like the actor from The Duff movie was my boyfriend. The first time he kissed me was in my grandma's room, but of course she had to come in and interrupt and act all immature so I couldn't act happy that he did it so I left. For some reason, he didn't seem to feel rejected when I left, probably because it was just a stupid dream. I felt so happy with him, the most happiest I've ever been in my life. It was like a sweet, syrupy feeling but it wasn't super thick and sticky. I wasn't a constant nervous wreck when I was near him and I was always comfortable and happy when he talked to me. An earthquake woke me up and I was desperate to go back to sleep and continue it, after that my alarm woke me up and again, I was desperate to go back to sleep and continue the dream. After I fell back to sleep, my three guy friends were talking near the gazebo and I turn around to see my boyfriend wading around in the pool. I walk over to him and then we're tossing a beach ball back and forth to each other. The dream suddenly cuts to me laying in a bed playing with my DS and he comes over (with a smile) and asks what game I'm playing. He walks to the bed and lays down next to me and rests his head in between my chest and shoulder. I caress his right cheek with my left hand. I was able to feel his lips, his skin, and his weight on my shoulder as if he was real and as if I had a past experience with this feeling. The dream occurred in small snippets the whole night, similar to memories.