Date: 6/1/2021
By natassja666
In my dream I was roller skating fast down the side of a city road at dusk. I was far from home and felt immense bubbling excitement and thought “there is a whole world out here for me to explore!!” I saw a bright yellow store called “Disgusting Feet” that sold pet insects and promised myself I’d go in to take a peek some day. Apparently in my dream I had a coupe of friends who were very wealthy, they let me use the gym in their house whenever I wanted and that’s where I was headed. They lived in a mansion in this beautiful suburban neighbourhood. When I arrived to their house nobody was home, but the door was unlocked so. I just went in anyway to use the gym. I was working out doing a leg press, but it kept being too easy even when I would adjust the weight. I went to use the bathroom, this gorgeous bathroom with all pale grey marble interior and a huge jacuzzi tub. There was a laptop in there sitting by the edge of the tup and an iPhone on top of it. FOR SOME REASON I opened the laptop and this “how to sex tutorial page” was open. I opened the phone and there was no password or anything, it was a new phone and the only picture saved on it was a picture of my female friend who lived in the house wearing a rainbow Afro wig. Suddenly I heard a knock at the front door and went to go see who it was. It was our close friend Rob (someone I know in real life but am actually not close to) I let him in and he had a bunch of bags of candy and snacks from bulk barn. He was really taken aback and I’d go into our friends house when they weren’t home but I said they gave me permission and wouldn’t mind. Right after I said that they both arrived home and were both so excited to see us. I was getting super excited as well and suggested we all go to the bug store “Disgusting legs” together but nobody was feeling up to it at the moment. I was laying on the floor in the living room with Rob enjoying the treats he brought and I asked him “can I ask you a serious question- and you HAVE to answer 110% truthfully?” He laughed and promised that he would. “If we were both single, do you think we’d end up fucking? Like do you honestly think that would happen or would it be too weird.” “Oh without a doubt, I know it would definitely happen.” Rob replied looking super deeply and seriously into my eyes. At that moment I realized the lady who lived at the house (I can’t remember her or her husband/boyfriends name but she was blonde) was super close and listening and she looked upset and hurt. “This is a difficult and sensitive thing for me to hear.” She admitted aloud. I had a flashback of this time I was showering in her house (I was blonde, and for some reason wearing a silk white nightdress in the shower) and she came behind me and joined the shower in white and lilac sexy lingerie, with a corset and garter belt and everything, and began touching and feeling up my body and we began making out for a second. But then I had abruptly stopped in saying I have a partner.