Another lucid dream!

Date: 10/3/2017

By Josh_Harley

Ig my meditation is really working out because this is my second lucid dream this week! And this one was THE clearest LD I've EVER had. Like most of my other LD's were blurry compared to this one, it felt real and I had a good amount of control. Anyways it started out, me just walking 🚢 down a street on a beautiful sunny day πŸŒ… and like all my other LD's I've had I just become lucid naturally. So of course I start to come off the ground and I get a few feet up and start catching speed πŸ’¨ but then I start going towards the ground head first! So I start crawling on all fours ( which felt awesome asf ) and I'm catching even more speed so I jump back up in the air and just start soaring! I went pretty high, I saw this thing approaching me, and as it got closer I realized it's other people, other dream characters! And they are on some crazy flying dream machine. It was like a mixture between a hang glider and a hot air balloon. And they went right past me waving and there was a little girl in front who looked soo confused, probably wondering how I was flying πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚. Then I flew back down onto this pretty big field. Wondering what I should do next, because I don't always stay in the dream for too long. And I thought about having an epic showdown on the field but I couldn't manifest an enemy, I still don't have that much control. So I thought about having sex but I'm like.. 'nahh I could be doing something so much more productive' so I remember a LD from a looong time ago where my phone πŸ“±and I had a conversation and if almost told me the secret to having more LD's. So I took out my phones, and I had hundreds of snapchats btw, but right when I was going to ask it a question.. this girl πŸ‘°πŸΌ I know from high school, who I also work with named Jane ran around the corner onto the field and idk what I did with my phone but I was drawn πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ anyways she says "hiii" and I say "hiiii" she start talking about what she's going to do and how I should come or whatever but all I can focus on are her lips πŸ‘„.. so I go in we start kissing, we fall on the ground and keep kissing. Now obviously I closed my eyes to kiss her because it would be weird not to..πŸ‘€πŸ‘€.. but you should NEVER close your eyes in a LD‼️ because every time you'll open them in your bed reminiscing about your LD πŸ˜©πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸΌ