Long walk

Date: 10/31/2023

By lauriemae

I don't know where my car was or why I had to make this walk, but in real life it would be way too far to walk from my boyfriends place to a different city. I even had to cut through 2 different peoples houses to get where I was going and walk the freeway a bit. I made it once with no issues so the next time I was going to do it again. This time I had my grandma with me, but I don't know why. I warned her it was far, and we had to walk the freeway, but she was OK with it. We get to the first house to cut through. There was a super sweet old lady living there and her daughter and they had no problem with me cutting through. I even had to go through a window to get to another part if the house to get out the back door. We ended up visiting with the old lady for a while and making friends so me and my grandma left our phone numbers to keep in touch. We get outside and make it to the second house and get through there just fine. We get back outside, and there are carolers and a band on the sidewalk, so we have to get around all of them. Then we get to a seedy alley we have to cut through to get to the freeway. My grandma didn't have her wallet or purse, but we get to the freeway and she tells me she has credits at game stop that we can use to get a free rental car. So we detour back to go there. We get almost to the end of the alley, and three gangs come walking and they are everywhere and going to have a gang fight They have bags of bottles and are setting up to fight with those. I lose track of my grandma in the chaos. I was terrified for my life but I'm more worries about her, so I yell out got her. She is off to the side and fine. We hide dor a bit them .ale our way out. This is where I realize I lost my phone with all my credit and debit cards I had it earlier. We are close to the sweet old lady's house, so I say let's just stop real quick and make sure I didn't leave it there. We get to a hose and knock on the door. There is a big dog and the old lady didn't have a dog. Them some other lady answers the door and I realize it's the wrong house. The entryway is super tiny and the dog starts to get aggressive and bite my hand. I try to stay between my grandma and the dog so she doesn't get bit. The lady tells me to grab something the dog van bite instead. I find a hair brush and he bites that and we are able to leave. We realize we were one Blick wrong from the sweet old ladies place so we go there She is outside with some family eating. We introduce ourselves to the family and visit a bit. They tell me I didn't leave my phone there but after a bit I decided to just go and check just in case. I don't remember actually going inside The next thing I remember we are walking where there is a small fence on the side and a fence with water on the other that is very close to the ocean. I spot something in the water and after a bit we realize it's 2 baby (very little) seals trying to catch fish. We walk and follow the seals down, and eventually they make it out of that place and back to the ocean and everybody cheers. This is about where I woke up.