I Dreamed I Was Hired Sex Worker for My Boyfriend, He Was Younger

Date: 8/21/2017

By csp2017

I dreamed I was a sex worker, and I was sitting in a park. Three men I had never met before came and offered to bring me to a place to "work"; i.e., have sex with them for money. They drove a black pickup truck. I accepted their offer and got in the backseat of the truck. I had sex with one of the men in the back of the truck. It was mechanical and passionless. We rode for a short while down what appeared to be suburban roads before arriving at an apartment complex. We walked up several flights of stairs and entered a small apartment. Sitting on the couch was my boyfriend, but he was in his early 20's. He seemed shy and insecure. He offered me a beer, which I declined. He drank a beer and tenderly rubbed my back. He said to me something like, "All I want is to be near." I woke up crying.