hot guys ig

Date: 7/6/2018

By paola2511bl

Ok so I was in lunch at school and this guy kept stealing my food (he was like 30 idk why he was at school) and I kept getting rlly mad. After lunch and me and my friends guys and girls (only one I can remember is Jaxson that I knew the other ones I didn’t) went into the bathroom (both girls and guys it was a bathroom where both could walk in) anyways tether was this girl who kept hitting me and there was a pope in the br so I told on her. The pope went into the br after and I got scared and ran out w the girl. After that I was panicking and I was showing the girl how frustrated I was and I just like popped my head though a door rlly fast and walked in Bc I thought we could hide there, but when I walked in and it was like a locker room of guys and they were a sports team ( idk which but their faces were bloody so prob lacrosse or football) they were rlly rlly hot. The girl coach of the team started asking me what was I doing so I low key told her I was looking for a br and left. When I was walking past the br window I saw the pope talking to all my friends and I got the girl that I was w (she was younger) and I’m like “run” and we ran as fast as we could. My friends (they were all guys for some reason except the girl) were running after us. They said that “the pope was just shy and they don’t know why we were scared of him” but I didn’t believe that. After running we walked and it seemed like we were in Venezuela but it was rlly crowded so idk. When we found a lot of benches I was ab to sit down and I was talking ab getting a date and one guy that was friends w Jaxson (I didn’t rlly know the friend) is like “don’t u have to be single for that” and I’m like “yeah Im single” and tbh the guy was hot asf then he like put his hand out to likes high five but I just grabbed his hand :) then u sat next to Jaxson and told him ab the sports team I walked i in and his hot they were. After this I woke up.