Fear The Walking Dead

Date: 7/26/2019

By phxnso

I’m trying to keep my back door closed but I keep needing to go outside so I’d quickly close it. My sister is watching Fear The Walking Dead in her room but kept coming to the back of the house where me, my mom and other sister are to tell my sister what’s happened so far in the show, this made me mad because she kept coming around the back just to spoil the show; finally I got enraged and lashed out at her and she left the room because apparently she thought I dropped that show and wasn’t watching it anymore (In real life I did lmao that show is garbage and I’ll never even consider watching it) so while she was leaving I said “How am I supposed to be finished with a series that isn’t even done??!!” My mom started overreacting as usual and begin calling for my dad because apparently I’m the problem as usual so I explained to her that my sister kept spoiling TWD for me and we came to an understanding. I’m back at the back door and trying to close it as quickly as possible until a hand grabbed me, I live in an urban area so it was most likely a gunman; he started talking while holding my arm, telling me to open up the door. (In real life my parents constantly warn me about using that door at night and how dangerous and life threatening it can be 💀)