Date: 1/5/2017
By ShadowOwl
I first dreamt I was at a store and I realized I was late for auditions for a play. I wasn't auditioning but was choosing who would have the main role. When I got there, I noticed many people I knew auditioning. I was then at my house at night. Something clicked and I knew I was dreamin. I ran out of my house onto my street to start searching for past dream people. I was having no luck at all. I didn't get very far before I encountered a man pushing a balloon cart. He asked me why I would be out so late and I got a terrible vibe from him. I knew he was a kidnapper who took people who were alone at night. I started to run but he chased me. I decided to let him catch me in case some of the people I was looking for were also caught. Sadly this was not the case. I spent the rest of the dream escaping and running from him. In the next dream the world was going to end and I was talking to my friend about it as we drove in her car. I asked if she was ok with spending the rest of her life in our hometown. She didn't answer so I asked if they trusted their neighbors. She said that her family was moving somewhere remote. I was jealous she wouldn't have to worry about her neighbors betraying her. Then I woke up.