Gifted child

Date: 8/16/2020

By sharkey161

I was this like 14 year old gifted child going to this school full of people from college humor i was also still dating my girlfriend and we went to this fair thing and i met up with her and i couldnt find her and was looking for her in the woods but this deer seemed to be god and sculpted a sculpture of my head out of cake and i lost my shit it was insane and then i find her and she is super sad so i try and cheer her up but then this woman shows up and and we try and take photos of the cake but then the cake becomes paintings and i take the coolest one and my gf leaves and i go through the fair alone and this woman yells at me and i spit on her and run away and she chases after me and i go to the mansion i was living in with a bunch of people my actual age and i scream as i run towards it so the boys rush out of the house to beat up the lady then all of us have a house meeting except for the sister with a boyfriend who stays in the living room and i walk out and they are making out and i was like oop and walked away and told the other they were practically having sex and the father goes out to yell at them and the boyfriend defends hisself then we all went to school which was at this peak surrounded by water and we had to choses this new student and this kid named lucas was next and he was super gifted but was also a drug lord then when we get there we are all dealed these letter laced with meth and allie from college humor who was trying to be sober encouraged me to take it bc she would take care of me and i then snort the patch on the letter that had meth and all colors are distorted like people were blue and the sunset on the water was so pretty but then this car full of teenage girls floats to us and we pull it up on shore and i wake up