Ritorno a casa

Date: 10/6/2023

By TheDreamIsReal

Ho sognato di stare tornando da casa di mia madre. Era notte ed ero insieme a mio fratello. Dovevamo andare a prendere l'autobus in direzione della metropolitana, ma incontravamo un vecchio amico, V.D.P, che si proponeva di darci un passaggio fino a li. Accettavamo e lo ringraziavo. Il sogno a questo punto si sposta e sono insieme ad una ragazza bellissima, di cui sono molto innamorato e con cui ho iniziato una relazione. Ha i capelli mori lunghi e gli occhi da cerbiatta. Mi stava riaccompagnando a casa lei in monopattino, visto che è notte e la metropolitana è chiusa. Non mancava molto all'arrivo quando all'improvviso mi dice che lei sapeva che il nostro non era un amore possibile. Io ci rimanevo molto male e le cantavo "Ti voglio bene", la canzone di Vasco Rossi.

AI generated interpretation Overall, your dream seems to revolve around the theme of returning home, representing a sense of familiarity and comfort. The presence of your brother and your mother's house suggests a connection to family and relationships. The dream starts with you and your brother needing to take a bus to the subway, which may symbolize a desire for a transition or journey in your waking life. However, the encounter with your old friend V.D.P, who offers you a ride, could suggest that you have support and assistance from unexpected sources as you navigate this transitional period. Accepting the offer and expressing gratitude indicate a willingness to accept help from others. The dream then shifts to a beautiful girl with whom you are deeply in love, and with whom you have started a relationship. This girl has long dark hair and doe-like eyes, which may symbolize qualities such as beauty, innocence, and gentleness. She represents a significant emotional connection or desire for intimacy. As she transports you home on a scooter because the subway is closed, it suggests an alternative and unconventional approach to reaching emotional fulfillment or achieving your goals. The night setting in this part of the dream may symbolize uncertainty or the unknown. However, the dream takes a melancholic turn when she tells you that she knows your love is impossible. This realization brings you significant disappointment. The song "Ti voglio bene" by Vasco Rossi that you sing to her indicates a deeply felt emotional expression, as if trying to communicate the intensity of your emotions and affection. In summary, your dream reflects a mixture of desires for support, love, and emotional fulfillment. It may hint at a need for assistance from unexpected sources in navigating life transitions while also highlighting the disappointment that can arise when faced with the awareness of unattainable desires or unrealistic expectations.