Date: 12/1/2018
By Zhaylin
IRL hubby and I haven’t had sex for at least 8-10 years. I’m 44 but he’s 74. The dream began with me trying to find someone to repair my car. It had some strange damage around the windows and rain kept getting in. I went over to hubby’s house across the yard (true to RL) to go over some digital paper work. The form kept changing though (which should have been a reality check lol). We were laying in his bed, passing the iPad back and forth, bemoaning tech and laughing. I tried to convince him that my problem processing the info was due to a lack of sex. He tried convincing me that the app was just broken and I was “crazy”. So we just laid in his bed giggling and being silly. It was a very sweet dream. Then hubby called IRL and woke me up. <3