Lost in my own apt

Date: 1/29/2024

By ModelLaDawn

Was living in an apartment with Shaun, Hyro (his wife) and one other person who was never there? It was a fairly large 3 or 4 bedroom in a nice older building. I actually found a secret bedroom/bathroom in it and thought about renting it out secretly to make money. One day I was super horny & possibly tipsy? I was alone and walked out with my keys, a large framed photo & a water bottle (no pants) just a giant green tshirt. I walked down the hall (it was extremely long carpeted hallways/stairs). Mostly older people lived there but a few younger people were sprinkled in. I ran into a fairly decent looking black man & we agreed to get it in. I somehow got lost on the way back to my unit & now my keys were gone. I felt like I was crazy going in circles and ended up on the wrong floor. Eventually he grew tired and dipped on me. This happened again with two women who lived there. By that time it seemed like so much time had gone by. I could barely dial my phone (a number button was off) and my IG had gotten hacked by porn clicks. I knew Hyros number by heart and was unable to dial it to have him help me get back in. Also I was pretty sure I left the door unlocked since my plan wasn’t to go very far. Eventually it clicked and I remembered the apartment number. 5127. But the floors and hallways were set up so strange and all looked similar but different. I was completely over it at this point. I got on the elevator with some delivery people and chose the 5th floor. It seemed to take forever to climb to that height and I still wasn’t sure how I’d gotten so far away from where I lived. Everything looked familiar once I got on my floor. Around the corner was my keys, water bottle and framed photo on the floor. Maybe I bent over to tie my shoe when I first walked out? Relief swept over me. . When I got back to the room the door was unlocked and Hyro and his wife were back. I told them what happened. Asked him to check is IG to see what my page looked like. Obviously I was blocked on both of their IGs (we still weren’t on the best of terms). All in all I was just happy everything worked out. The last thing I remember is being in the bathroom naked splashing my face with water when an unknown 4th roommate came in. Random black dude. Apparently I knew him in the dream but his face wasn’t familiar to me. He was impressed by what he saw. I wasn’t.