The Provoking Roommate

Date: 9/13/2018

By Soaren28

I have a roommate in real life who tends to piss me off a lot. He does a lot of things that just don’t make sense and They make me really mad. I think it’s been on my mind lately so I had a dream about it. We were just together with a group and he was being so provoking, I had a snickers bar on the floor next to me, and I got up for a second and he took it while I was up. I quickly went to him to get it and he opened it up and ate it all while resisting me. I literally remember punching him in the face over and over again and almost trying to smash his face in. He also had a phone and he was pissing me off so much, that I smashed his phone against a wall and it shattered. I remember just feeling so irritated by him. The dream is over and he just came in my room to talk to me, but has no idea I’m typing this.