Do not read if u a pet lover, or read and commiserate with me.

Date: 12/12/2022

By risei

My dream started with a class wide invitation to a highclass hotel, like the whole class was invited (which is bizzare as im years out of any kind of schooling) the whole class and our pets if we want to. So there is my baby 3mo old black lab Doja, and for some reason i also have a cat ( I dont have a cat D: ) named Scoob an orange tabby. So 3 people in a suite and all of us has pets, cant even remember their names, but we had a grand time on pet salons and spas and the hotel buffet. Oh man i remember like sampling alot of confectionery and cakes. And then it was time to leave the hotel, i know there was a whole segment in the airplane bar, but for the life of me i can't remember what i talked about with the bar tender. Then i got airdropped to the next part of my dream. I am touring a church. Just with my dog. No guide or anything, just my quiet steps and the click click click padding of my dog on marble. I have absolutely no idea how it happened but suddenly there was a blood curdling screech from above and as i looked up a ghost swooped down on me claws out and scratched at me, i was able to hold my arms out so only my arms were clawed and i was pushed down to my back. And i was buffeted this way and that, i totally lost which side were up or where i am but suddenly i was yanked up by my arms and somebody was helping me stand up. It was an altar boy? I think. And he was wind swept and definitely panting saying you should get out of here, there was a cleansing happening and such, but i cant process the word much because i can't recognize what or where part of the church i was. So i kind of shouted over the guy and he was trying to calm me down and it wasn't working so he just yanked me in a direction and we were running and while we were running i just realized i was repeating 'my dog, where's my dog, i need to get to my dog.' And so we found the place where it started and there's my dog, her leash was tied to a bar of iron rail along the wall and she was whining putifully in stops and gaps and was trembling all over so i hurriedly untied her and when i was holding her torso she suddenly collapsed her weight on me, mind you she's an all black labrador so it was only then i noticed the fur on her neck is wet with blood. All i could feel then was adrenaline, i was trembling and i shout ordered for the guy to drive me to the nearest vet while i cradled my baby dog. I was in the back seat and all i could say to the driver was hurry, hurry pls. as the whines of my baby was getting slower and weaker and then just silent bursts of exhales and i was just completely crying sobbing, when finally we came to the vet and i laid her on the table and babbled to the doctor everything and SHE JUST STARED INCREDULOUSLY AND STIFFLED A GIGGLE LIKE LADY, MY BABY PUPPY! It was minutes before any action was taken and my puppy was took away to another room and someone else was explaining to me that i might not get the best news etc. by this time i was hyperventilating in anger and fear and sadness but mostly anger. You know that anger that's so much past anything that it was just all rage and tears. And as i sat at that horrible plastic hospital chair, hyperventilating threats under my breath, vowing to find that ghost, kill it, resurrect it again and then put it through unimaginable torture. I was suddenly aware as i was breathing heavily and crying that i was already awake. Immediately went to my puppy and just hugged her quietly, she was quite a sport and endured it.