Teaching English at the Mall

Date: 8/25/2022

By Swords

I'm late for a new job teaching English Literature at College. The class takes place in a theatre built into an old heritage house in the parking lot of the shopping mall. I can't get there. I am walking as fast as I can but each corner I turn around the mall seems to take me further away. I approach a security guard and ask her if it's faster to walk THROUGH the mall. She says, "No," confidently, but I don't believe her. I enter through the glass doors and soon find myself in a blind maze of short hallways and corners. Now I believe the Guard and go back outside. The class started sn hour ago. I have a co-facilitator (or two?) but the plan was for me to start with Literary Devices. I finally find the Theatre, but the class is not listed on the Marque. I ask at the Ticket Box and learn the class doesn't start until November. Whew.