Caught with drugs

Date: 2/24/2018

By juliaaramini

I was hanging out with my friends Kylie and Kenzie in a hotel. They both did edibles and I decided to do one too. We were in our room but the door was open and we were sitting in the doorway. We had normal cookies too so I picked one up and asked Kylie if it had weed in it. Then she looked at me with like real panic and then looked down the hall. Standing like 20 feet away was my grandma, and she heard everything. As my grandma walked over to us I told Kylie and Kenzie to get out of here, so they left. She went into my room, which turned into my sisters bedroom. We were suddenly in my house and my memories changed to match us being in the house the whole time. She went over to the bed and I followed because I was hiding a vape mod in my nightstand drawer. I pulled the drawer out, which was filled with papers and letters, and showed it to my grandma and I’m like “you can look in here too it’s just old letters and drawings”. Then I pulled a letter out that was unopened and shiny gold and I realized this isn’t my room, it’s my sisters. Idk why it took me so long to realize. The whole time my grandma had been searching the bed. I abruptly said “hey you know this isn’t my room right” and left to go to my room. I walked fast because I wanted to hide my mod somewhere better. I opened my drawer, pulled it out and had just enough time to put it between my mattress and close he drawer when my grandma came in. She started again searching my room and I helped bc other than that I had nothing incriminating. The whole time I was telling her that it was Kenzie and Kylie eating edibles I just wanted to know if it was a normal cookie bc I would “never do that”. She wouldn’t listen to me and I knew I could tell her to drug test me but I’d actually done an edible for he first time a few nights ago and I didn’t know if it was out of my system. I decided to stall on a drug test for a few days bc I knew it’d be out of my system then (since I’d only done it once and I have an unusually fast metabolism). Then I woke up