
Date: 9/28/2017

By EmPemPooPants

A while back I had a dream where an Uber driver was really creepy and kept hanging around my house even after I'd paid and said goodbye. They were really strange. Then last night, I had a dream where I was with a friend and we got dropped off (after spending the day at a play scheme cause I worked in the cafe, I also remember having to serve my ex's parents?) because he came and had something to eat and must have recognised me I guess? But he followed us again and then tried grabbing my arm and pulling my into the car so I broke away and ran but he grabbed my friend's arm so I took her hand and pulled her away and we ran up my stairs but he followed us in, so I ran up to get some heavy objects to throw at him, and he grabbed my friend again, so I was looking for some weapons (I found a bag of heavy toy helicopters) but he'd managed to drag my friend out of the house so I ran out and started to throw the toys at him and his car because he was forcing her into his car, and there were a few other people already in the car (like his gang?) so I chased after the car, throwing the metal toys at him in the drivers seat and the windows but soon realised I wouldn't be able to break them or get my friend back myself so instead, I began sprinting after the car so I could see the license plate clearly and made a mental note, but the creepy guy and gang could tell what I was doing so they drove the car towards me and started doing circles and figure 8s right next to me, but I kept diving out of the way and managed to see the full plate (I remember it starting with WNW and then ending with JD? I feel like there may have been another N somewhere, and possibly a 7? Like WNW 7NJD??). So I ran back inside and called the police, but non of the people took my call seriously and some were a part of a game show and others just didn't care? So I went to work to use their phones, cause I thought maybe mine were hacked or something? And a friend from school who was working there kept trying to make me clean but I was like I'm trying to call the police? My friend and I were attacked and she was kidnapped? But then the phone rang and it was him (he had an accent that's how I could tell) and he said "We wouldn't want to see your face at the police station would we?" And I replied "Why not?" And he replied "We wouldn't want to see your face at the po-" and I was like "no not 'what?' I meant 'why?'" as I thought is he gonna go after my family if I do? Cause he knows where I live? And then he couldn't understand what I was asking and then I woke up.