
Date: 8/2/2017

By kayleenita

I was writing an exam. I was with other people and everyone seemed to be from my old school and my current school, Crawford and Calibre. A girl named Tatum from my old school was sitting next to me and my friend Liam in front of me. We were busy writing the exam and I remember there being a cheat sheet and we had to write down everything with the letter D. The cheat sheet was going around between the class. The test venue seemed to be in a grocery store because I seemed to be the last person writing that certain test. I got up a few times and I bumped into a guy named Matteo who used to be older than me and at my old school, he pushed me against the table in front of me and I shouted at him and I got no response back. I remember after the test I went grocery shopping in the same place and bought a whole lot of stuff that I was going to make for dinner. My best friend Sabrina showed up and helped me pick out groceries, but then two teachers from my school, one that I recognized, Dani, said it was not allowed and the other teacher said she was going to walk my best friend back to the school. So I carried on grocery shopping and I bumped into a small Indian child who was buying pizza, one slice somehow ended up in my cart and he noticed and then put his other pizzas in my cart and started walking with it so I followed him. In the end I was worried I didn't have enough money to pay for all the groceries but then the dream ended.