
Date: 1/20/2022

By jaysun

Dreamt that I was on a remote work trip to Europa. For the beginning of the dream I was cooped up in a hotel and feeling kind of sick but still trying to push through to finish the work. There was a shady guy who thought I was gay and leading me on at the hotel which was extremely irritating… Near the end of the dream we were out on the waters of Europa, blue waters underneath blue skies. I looked up at the sky and there was a large round shape of gas in the distance. I pointed to it and squinted, I couldn’t make out what it was and asked the other people in my boat if that was Jupiter?? But they said no, Europa is actually so rich in oxygen that there forms oxygen bubbles in the skies, like tall, whispy clouds. My mind was blown. I also had a thought that all the billionaires will want to travel to Europa in the future