Popular boy chooses me and anxiety

Date: 5/26/2018

By baburubān

Ok this is a super fuzzy dream but I’m in this HUGE house with a crowd of girly girls all wanting to talk to this really popular boy that kinda wants to be left alone.. he’s at the bottom of these two staircases playing video games.. I start talking to him about something dorky and he hugs me and asks for my number [I’d also like to mention that I don’t like the “I’m not like other girls ;)) trope because it’s like you’re superior to other girls and I am trying to be every girl I thought was cool so idk why my subconscious came up with this fanfic bullshit] so I run up the two flights to get some paper and I can tell a lot of girls are jealous of me... I run back down, give it to him, and then suddenly I’m in this shopping area with my best friend and my dad... I’ve lost my purse, which has all of my personal items in it, so I’m super anxious and afraid my dad’s going to get angry. So we’re looking around and I decide to go back to the car. The van is in a field of dry, yellow grass. And hovering over the van is a romanesque structure that resembles a gazebo. I climb into the driver’s seat of the van and start crying. This part’s very fuzzy, but I remember a dark aura surrounding me and something speaking to me. The weren’t good words. They were harmful, but I can’t remember what they are. In any case, after the aura was gone, I found my purse in the passenger sear. I go back to my friend and father, afraid that my father was going to be angry that it was just in the car this whole time. I remember seeing my face tear stained and holding the purse. And that’s when I woke up.