Date: 6/13/2016
By Nepetas_Legion
I was John Watson and I went skiing with Sherlock and some random guy. The slope we were on was really steep so if you started off too fast then you'd just fall to the bottom instead of sliding down. There was also a ramp at the end of it so Sherlock and I decided to go off of it and we both landed perfectly at a table with a bunch of generals. The table was actually inside of a car so when I did something embarrassing (can't remember what I did) Sherlock just kind of looked at me, sighed, and started driving the truck up the slope. I knew exactly what he was about to do and I got scared and tried to hit the brake pedal, but it wouldn't work. Sherlock then drove the truck as fast as he could down the slope and launched us off the ramp. I almost fell out of the car when we landed. We then decided to accompany a bunch of army people climbing down a cliff made entirely of snow. We found nothing at the bottom and started looking for a place to climb back up, and the cliff turned into a large set of stairs. At this point I became my normal self irl and Sherlock was replaced by my dad and my brother. We were trying to find our way back to my mom. After we climbed up the stairs, we found a library that I had seen before in a previous dream, so I lead my dad and my brother through it until we came across an unfamiliar room with a bunch of hotel beds in it. Most were empty, but a few had people sleeping on them. One had a woman on it that was wrapped in a towel and vomited as we passed by. We left the room and found ourselves in a town with cobblestone streets. There were speed limit signs everywhere, and we had to follow them even though we were walking. We crossed two bridges that made you go 15 mph while the rest was 35 mph. We finally ended up in my church where we knew my mom was. We found her in the back pew and sat with her. There was this knob in front of me that could control some weird golden statue on the alter when I twisted it. The priest started to explain what the statue was, but I woke up before he said what it was for.