Bears at Safeway

Date: 1/2/2019

By paige0124

I was working at safeway with two of my former coworkers from another job who I was pretty close to,one who I had a major crush on (C) . They were both like best friends, J and C. When I saw him for the first time since our last job, we hugged and like spun in a circle. Then we were in a video and we hugged again and he was like kiss me he meant on the cheek but I kissed him on the lips and he was like uh no. Then there was like a bear inside the store knocking to over wine bottles and attacking us. But then J come up to me and was like “you should just shoot your shot” so I gave C a note that was like meet in our special spot which was an aisle in the store for some reason. we met there and so did like a bunch of other people? And then I wasn’t me there was someone else who called the meeting and they dismissed everyone else except for him. and then the bear attacked him and the claws like raked down his torso tearing it open. Then we weren’t in the store anymore we were in the wilderness fighting for our lives. C’s eyes were glowing like he was an alpha werewolf in teenwolf, red. Then they changed to glow blue as he healed. When I asked if he would be ok he said yes but he wouldn’t be the same for a while and that these things take time. Then the group was like we have to leave him behind he’s injured it will just get us killed and then the other me was like I can’t leave him and then everyone realized she (me? ) was in love with him so they couldn’t leave and we all fought around him.