11/24/17 Carbon Bellyflop

Date: 11/24/2017

By Seym022

It was the last day of the play. Everyone was joking around laughing, having a great time. Then it was time for the show, so we all went back stage as usual. Mass was acting the Soap Opera scene, and Emma was cracking up. The it was the newscaster scene. Cata was saying her line of, "Who let the dogs out". When we all made the hu sound, Sam was on stage, and belly flopped off. He was completely find, and at first the audience was like ouch/ohh, but then everyone cracked up. Mrs. Crab wasn't even mad, in fact she was like, that was awesome. Then we had to go through with the rest of the school day. A week back, I went to the doctor for an annual checkup. They said I was breathing out carbon? It was fine, but if it got stronger it wouldn't be good. So on with the school day, I was with Harry under the bottom part of Harley's playground set. Just talking, although sol we had to get to class. So he walked we to Science. Then the bell rang and he had to go. Then my breath got cold, and my throat felt cold too. I hugged Harry goodbye, for like three seconds. he felt my breath, and asked why my breath was freezing. I told him about the Carbon thing. He was like, if you run out of carbon, you can die! I told him, I'll just go after science, no big deal. Harry said, no go to the nurse now, and I finally agreed. We walked to the nurse, and my throats was feeling colder and colder. He was very worried for me. We got to the nurse, and they hooked me up to this machine to stop the carbon from coming out. I felt better and went to science, but Harry had to stay with me.