Date: 9/4/2017
By blissfulllife
I was taking the bus somewhere and nothing looked familiar. It was like I was gambling with the transit system. It was a bright, hot, sunny day and it seemed as if it was morning time in the beginning of my dream. I got off the bus and looked around, trying to understand where I was and how I wold make it home. I looked at street signs and I was "familiar" with the area. That's when I see the # 323/6 bus pull up with my favorite bus driver. He was smiling and the sun was shining on his character. He pulls up and I was happy to get in because I knew it would lead me him. Something happened though that I can't quite remember, but I ended up on a different street in the heat. I was stressed for some reason, so I called Molly and asked her for a ride. She was apprehensive at first but then said she was on her way, and I can visually see her getting into her car (it was yellow). That's when I'm on a street of houses and there's one house being cemented ? I see Jesse Romero vividly then I see Jeremy Romero and Jeremy Guzman. I'm not sure why, but I began helping them "lay down a foundation". Basically I was pouring the cement and making sure it was even. After it dried, I began to start "filling in the cracks" or holes in the cement. There was also a house next door with this hippie guy and his daughter. They were part of the ride too ? I remember them leaving their front red door open and wondering if he cared about it, and apparently he didn't. I remember thinking about how Molly could have been blowing me up but meanwhile I was helping with this cement job. I went to grab my bag from that hippies house and call her, she told me "texted me" that she met up with a friend. Then thing was that every time I spoke to her through the phone she would appear as an image and I could see her from where she's at yet she's on the phone/texting me. There was a bunch of papers I was attempting to organize but decided to throw them all into a backpack. I end up in some sort of vehicle and now all of a sudden I was part of this tv show/video. There were gay guys involved and drag masculine drag queens, then there was like a reality tv show and a disagreement inside of a pool/hot tub. I remember wondering if this was all necessary, and if the girls were being told to argue since none of it made sense to me. Then I woke up.