I'm just as awkward in my dreams as I am IRL

Date: 9/11/2017

By pretzeling

I was at an apartment party where people were really drunk, stumbling and falling over etc. I wanted to get wasted and make out with a guy who looked kinda like Nathan from Nathan For You; I did so and we had an awkward kiss. I told him it was my first kiss, and he moved in like "Oh I can teach u." It felt like kissing a cold wet piece of pasta. It was at this point I encountered an androgynous looking person. They were tall and lanky, with a feminine face and short, messy blonde hair. They were wearing a "frat boy" outfit; I distinctively remember they had Nike slides on with socks underneath, an oversized school jersey and a snapback hat on backwards. I decided that I wanted to make a move on this person. Clearly I needed to come up with an opening line. For some reason I decided to say "Hey, you look just like this kid I knew in high school!" The person turned to me and said, "Oh, a lot of people say I look like [male mutual friend]" and I replied saying that no, it was a girl they reminded me of. At this point I thought I fucked up by misgendering them but I powered through by changing the subject and chatted them up some more. They left the party soon after, but gave me their phone number. I texted them something like "Hey, you really do look like [male mutual friend], I see the resemblance. We should hang out sometime :-) <3 <3" (I very specifically remember putting the <3s in) I still had no clue as to their gender identity when I sent the text.