I'm back again

Date: 2/6/2022

By degupeach

It been awhile I'm writing on this journal. So many things happened. Its not about my dreams. But my real life. Before this I wrote about suicide. But I manage to survive till here and faced the most happiest moment in my life when becoming successful in what I been doing and I met someone I dear the most (on virtual). But things didn't work out. We got huge argue last week and we both being silent to each other till now. I guess that person get tired of me. Always stay anonymous neglected to be into serious relationships. Because I scared it won't last forever. And now I lose hope. I guess better I die. Also.. My probation got extended they could terminate my contract any time soon. I'm tired to be this way again things always get messed up. Can't anyone adopt me? I could do everything. So that I wouldn't get worried to pay for food and shelter.