The Dyenki

Date: 9/15/2020

By myme

There is another kind of demon that has been overlooked, while demons like the warewolf, vampire, and gargoyle have been recorded. here is why they are considered demons. the werewolf is too aggressive, and hairy. the vampire likes the flesh too much. the gargoyles wings doesnt have feathers. there is another demon that has been overlooked. this is partly because the dyenki is a kind of demon that will do everything it can to make things look like the things that it does that are inherantly or intentionally bad are somehow good, or for a good reason. a dyenki will some up with all sorts of lies that they use to take advantage of the people they are with. this includes accusations, rigging, lotteries, disguises, props, and acting to advantage itself. the whole point of the truth, is that the truth is what actually happened despite anyones belief of what actually happened. the dyenki will have others believe things despite the truth, and thus when people are made to believe untrue things, the dyenki becomes more powerful. a dyenki resembles a wingless gargoyle with a horn at the root of its body. it conceals the horn until they feel they should use it, or they will claim that others should get used to their appearance, or that they are the godly ones. some dyenki do not gain a sense of power lying to others. when a dyenki (or anyone else for that matter) is proven true, then it should be praised. in this dimension, as opposed to gargoyles, or vampires, or warewolves, the dyenki is expressed as a gender called ‘male’, which is necessary for reproduction. males were never necessary for reproduction, they were needed in lower animals, which themselves are forms of demons. for most people, it is more like an affliction, and it should be treated like a syndrome. optimally, sex is not necessary for reproduction. In this case, the dyenki expresses itself as the male karyotype in many animals and plants. It was necessary for animals with legs for arms, but then again, an animal with legs for arms is less necessary than an animal with arms. animals with legs for arms are part of the dyenki majic. Male plants need not exist because trees cross pollinate. why animals dont cross pollinate i dont fully understand yet, but they seem to be functioning like giant pollen grains. male animals need not exist if animals did not have legs for arms. there is still a way for females to produce sperm. females can produce sperm if they are fed testosterone.