owen drunk drives

Date: 2/10/2021

By juulianjuice

i was in a long rectangular parking lot in a car during the winter, owen was driving a blue sedan a few parking spots over. me and keisha (i think it was her anyway) were in my car watching him and i’m not sure exactly what he was doing but he was driving around like a fool. i was trying to get him to stop warning him police were nearby. he backed his car up over the curb into a snow bank. i was watching him and getting myself progressively stressed out. for some reason i felt i had to back into a parking spot. so i pulled to the end of the parking lot to back into a spot and owen pulled up behind me. i was trying to let him know i was trying to back up but then another car pulled up behind him then i was stuck being forced to leave the parking lot. pissed me off so bad i woke up.