Date: 5/20/2021
By Jade_Shadow13
I remember waking up last night irl, after failing to get in my desited reality. I considered just going back to sleep, but I figured I should at least try to shift one more time. So that's what I did. I attempted to do my method, and I eventually went to sleep. But at that point, I don't remember what I was thinking about at the time. But I don't think that it was about Attack On Titan. Why? Because I ended up waking in the back of someone elses car. I looked to my left, and realized that it was A.J from the Walking Dead game. I peered at the driver's seat, and sure enough, there was Clementine who was driving at the front seat. Its like I was waking up after a long drive. Clem drove into the driveway of someone's house. It was run down, and dirty, as well as abandoned. And it seemes like we were there for a reason. I think A.J got out of the car, and went inside. He ended up coming out with papers and a guitar. On the papers he had, there were chord placements of how to strum the guitar. We ended up staying there longer than I thought. It was only when we were chased by a zombie is when we decided to leave. We got back into the car, then booked it down the street. The dog also chased us. We got away unscaved. It was now almost dark, so we headed to another place, that I assumed we were going to go and get food. Although I realized that I may have shifted here, it was not the reality I wanted to go to. I tried to shift again. But this time I ended up in a classroom. I tried to look at my phone, but there was no luck. Everything felt real, but the only thing that was off, was the time. Like the time kept changing. As well as the date. It would be 2012, then 2014, to 2015, the months and days ended up changing as well as the time once I looked away. So ended up doing multiple reality checks, realizing that I am in a lucid dream, or in a very vivid lucid dream. It felt so clear then, but not so sure now.