Digital art, The AI creates an image of a person standing on a thin hill path overlooking a backyard lake filled with various types of sharks, with a dilapidated fence and a warning not to jump on the diving board due to the great white sharks' jumping tendencies.

shark lake

Date: 2/27/2022

By patheticp0t

So there was this house and the owner had built a huge lake in his backyard and filled it with different kinds of sharks. I snuck over at some point bc i didn't believe what people were saying and i walked along this thin hill path that took you to see an overview of the whole lake, it was rlly scary tho bc the fencing on this path was old and falling apart and missing in some places and i could just slip and fall right into the lake. There was even background characters tht had told me not to go on the diving board(why there was a diving board tht lead into a shark infested lake is beyond me) because the great whites would literally just jump out of the water and take you. I woke up as i slipped and saw some shadows below me :,)))