A Nice Joker?

Date: 9/26/2019

By Darkness321

I am not sure where this dream began but I remember being with a tall man that resembled The Joker a little bit, but this guy was really nice. He had a colorful suit on. I remember feeling scared wherever we traveled and I held tightly onto the man’s hand. His hand was cold and lean but it still felt comforting to me. We traveled through cluttered hallways in buildings and I remember one specific hallway giving me a lot of fear. In this dream I recognized the hallway as being terrifying. I said “ No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want to go down there”. I gripped onto the man’s arm tightly. Before we even walked towards the hallway we were transported into a large bedroom with lots of bunk beds. The room was filled with children with glowing eyes. They all asked to “let us out” and started swarming towards us. I screamed bloody murder as we got swarmed by the kids trying to get past us. We were blocking the door to get out and the door was closed so the children couldn’t get out. I kept screaming as they were gripping our clothes and trying to get as close as possible. Eventually, they stopped for some reason and backed up a bit, all looking at us. We talked to the children and listened to their troubles and me and the man were eventually transported to another space. I had tears in my eyes and the man turned to me and asked if I was okay. I replied shakily “I’m scared”. He put a hand on my shoulder and continued traveling. We walked towards this path that almost seemed to be in the sky, but there were trees alongside somehow. Off the path floating were these large spectral human heads, all looking in our direction. It was pretty creepy but we kept walking. The end of the path lead to a giant bird’s nest. We stood in the nest and wondered who lived there. I never got to know.