Orchestra to the Desert of a game... Dodge the robots...

Date: 7/16/2018

By AJacobs

This was some concert hall and the orchestra was about to start. I was asking a staff member about discounts. Cheapest seats were a thousand dollars. We actually walked up to the back balcony where there were a few onlookers as the orchestra started. I think those seats were "cheap(er)". Two girls up there apologized and left because they had forgotten about their homework (in my online humanities class I just turned in stuff slightly late). Then I left. Later I was playing a game kind of, I don't know if I realized it was a computer game until later though... with my dad... There was supposed to be a water level and a desert level essentially. We started with the desert area. I'm trying to remember what we did. I know fighting at one point but I don't even remember if our characters were human or some small rodent maybe, I also don't know what we were fighting. Actually, at one point near the end (take in mind this is a kind of open world and not linear game.), we went through a tunnel which was filled with robotic/mechanical humanoid (roughly) things. They hopped back and forth and we dodged through legs trying to not be stomped on and crushed. We finished that level and then tried to go to the sea/water level (by clicking on a map) but it wasn't available. It was still an unfinished game on newgrounds. I don't remember more, my mom woke me up for lunch. But I do recall being up briefly before seeing her go downstairs and she didn't notice I was up. Maybe that was between the orchestra and the desert game?