Date: 9/6/2017
By Elina15
Just had a weird ass dream or like a dream within the dream. The last layer was a dream about this LGBTQ queer haven which was like this dope ass cool sanctuary for sexual and gender minorities. We all arrived in this dope ass bus. Damn that felt so comforting. But the guy in my dream thought some shady shit was going on and that the compound was experimenting on people. So he starts snooping around and finds weird ass cages and safes and stuff but then it hella switches and he finds aliens locked up in like a railroad container in the basement and everything goes to shit with the camp On the layer above that I was in a poly relationship with my ex and with some white girl with a haircut halfway between runway model and futuristic as fuck. Super asymmetrical. I'm like this isn't even my type though. anyways so the 3 of us are laying down and cuddling and my first dream is playing on the movie that were watching. So in the end the guy that started investigating the camp frees the aliens and turns the camp back into the place of was truly meant to be. But then as im laying the with my two boos, the voice over for the movie is my meditation that I forgot to turn off last night Lmao so it was like showing these celebratory queer people in the screen but the voice was life "on the count of 5" Lmao and sure enough when it said 5 I woke up. Come to find out I left my meditation on while I was sleeping and the count of 5 was the cue to start coming up from the meditative state