booming on the first day of school

Date: 7/23/2018

By ardipithecus

it was 7:45am in my dream and i was in first period with a group of my friends. one of them brought a bag of booms and not everyone wanted them. sarah and britni took some and i thought to myself why not? they are right there. i asked sarah for just a little bit bc i didnt want to trip hard at school. she gave me just enough to “feel” it. the booms we took were different, it’s like they were grinned up then molded into a new shape. i ate them then proceeded to ask brit and sarah where they were sleeping tonight, they both said they weren’t sure. then sarah said it was tuesday and that put me in panic mode. i had to pick up my brother after school and drive and i was scared to do that on booms but then i looked at the time and it was 8 so i thought it would go away by the time i had to drive. we had to go to second period and i had chips class so i started walking and everything looked more vibrant than before. i got confused in the hallways though but luckily i found his room. i was the first one there and chose to sit on the couch in back so i was comfortable. i sat on the couch and immediately felt one with it. then i woke up.