first time having sleep paralysis! sort of?

Date: 6/20/2018

By crewsock

notes: im staying in a sketcy hotel for a few days and my dream happened in this hotel (like it happened while i was at the hotel but the setting of the dream was also in the hotel). also this whole dream is very meta but i'll do my best to explain it dream: i was laying in the hotel pullout sofa bed asleep and i kept hearing yelling and shouting from the room next door/outside my window. im on the ground floor which always freaks me out because easy access, ya know? anyways i hear from outside these two girls yelling and one pulls a gun on the other and im asleep experiencing sleep paralysis WITHIN the dream because it freaks me out and i try to wake up so i can leave and get away from it but I can't. im familiar with not being able to move during dreams, its always happened in nightmares where I can't run or scream, so i think its just that and not sleep paralysis. i accept what's happening and wait for my parents to hear the commotion and wake me up. they eventually do, and turn the lights on, which finally wakes me up (again im still asleep irl, this is all still a dream) and my mom is telling me we have to go and get away from these crazies. somehow the room shifts and it looks like the living room in my house and my brother is sitting in the corner in an old rocking chair we used to have, holding his cat and talking about traffic. im confused, because we're nine hours away from home and my brother didn't come with us on this trip. i assume he rode his motorcycle down because his helmet is next to him, but then i question how he had the patience to drive it nine hours in 90 degree heat. i lose sight of the question as we shift back to the hotel room, and walk out into the hallway. all the fighting is gone, but there are a ton of people in the hallway. they're all half-naked, at least. at the end of the hall, i see a morbidly obese hairy man wearing a thong. i avert my gaze and try to go back into the room. there's no stark transition, i just suddenly am asleep again, but still conscious, and i realize that i was never actually awake. i try to wake up again, and when i can't move, i realize im experiencing sleep paralysis. then i freak out a little bit, because I've never had this happen, I've just read that lots of people see freaky things when they open their eyes during sleep paralysis. being scared of literally everything, i decide to just keep my eyes shut and focus on trying to wake up. as im laying there, i get cold chills and the weirdest sensation and somehow i know a ghost just entered my body. i start freaking out even more and try waking up. my mind goes to dear david (some little ghost boy who a buzzfeed writer says is haunting his apartment. ive never known what to believe but in that moment i very much believed in him and squeezed my eyes shut even tighter. or at least i tried). i feel like there's a presence behind me, and at any moment it will put its hand on me. that's it, just put its hand (his hand, actually. its a male presence) on me. that freaks me out even more because its pitch black in the room (ive always been scared of things just manifesting in the dark) and even if it weren't, i can't move anyways. finally, i wake up, thinking its real (again). some little boy is sitting in a chair next to my bed and says "i meet lots of actors in hollywood" and i say "never the stars though" with a smile. then he opens the door and the hallway is well-lit (a small comfort) filled with people sitting in chairs waiting for auditions. they smile and wave and i look back and at the boy. but the boy is gone and my fat beagle is sitting there. at that point i realize I'm not actually awake, and never was. i then try to point at him and say "you're not real" but sleep paralysis is kicking in again and i feel like im dragging my body through cold molasses and experiencing slow-mo irl. my dog starts getting blurry/fuzzy and contorted, at which point i start freaking out (again) and whimpering as hard as i can (which is essentially the only thing i can do at this point), trying to make real noise that would wake my mom up and have her come over to me. it must have worked, because she came over and shook me and woke me up and asked if i was okay. i said "yeah, just sweaty." (this part was real, and actually woke me up to realize there were no crackheads pulling guns on each other or naked austin powers' goldmember-type half-naked sumo wrestlers in my hallway, nor were there a bunch of aspiring actors waiting to audition, little boys sitting next to my bed, or fat beagles who make me realize im not actually awake).