Turkey Carcass Voodoo on my Professor, and Other Stories

Date: 11/20/2017

By ispeakofdreams

Just took an hour long nap and had the craziest dream. I was waiting at the bus stop at the university. The garbage cans outside had these cup holders and 4 types of drink in these open cups with straws. One had tequila in it so I bent down to take a sip. Then Alysa comes up and was grossed out so I didn't drink any. Honestly the cups were so gross, anyone could just take a sip, and one of them had a fly in it. So Alysa and I were talking when Clare came by. Alysa didn't know about our fight so she started talking to Clare like everything was fine. Then Clare looked incredibly sad and I felt awful so I told her if she wanted to she could text me. Then she hugged me for a really long time, but didn't say much. It was sad but also felt like a huge relief, like this is what I had been waiting for. Too bad it didn't happen in real life :( Then Alysa went into this building to get free milk and I was alone. Maria came over to wait for the bus with me. We heard there was a bake sale going on so we went to the building across the street and they had really nice treats with lots of chocolate and caramel. I don't think we bought anything. The bus finally came and Maria and I got on. When it started moving we realized we had gotten on the wrong bus. We panicked and got off at the next stop, I fell on the floor of the bus and dropped my phone. A guy picked it up and put it in my mouth. It was so hard to stand back up. We finally got off the bus and walked back to the university bus loop. We got on the right bus to go home, except I'm pretty sure Maria had turned into Lauren. I looked out the window and saw my animal science prof standing with his wife (pretty sure he is gay irl so I was shook). I knew her from robinsons or something, even though she actually is a complete stranger. I got home except it wasn't our janefield house. I was with the freaks and geeks characters and apparently we were going to be dissecting a seagull in the basement, for school. My animal science prof and his wife showed up and it was completely normal. She was getting a turkey ready because they were going home for thanksgiving. I was holding the turkey, but it was more like a carcass, in a dish while they were getting their coats on. I accidentally broke the collar bone of the turkey and at the same time my prof's collar bone was fractured. Like some weird voodoo. He screamed a lot. Instead of going to the hospital though his wife said it would heal up on its own. I wasn't sure about that but I said okay. Prof then showed me his broken bones and started teaching me about anatomy and blood vessels and stuff and it was so cool. I could see his bone marrow. Then he fell asleep on the couch and we went downstairs to our seagull. The dream changed to our real janefield house except George was now our roommate. He had a problem with the front door pathway and talked to Darryl about it. Darryl told George that he could dig it up, so George invited a lot of friends over to help him. There were so many. I was trying o do homework but it was distracting. If anyone walked by the house they all quickly hid. One time they had colourful umbrellas and were putting on a show? I also kept getting these phone calls from some company I've never heard of. I couldn't understand the voice but I figured out they thought I was someone else, one of their employees, and I had done something terrible.