Plane Of Death

Date: 6/1/2018

By DeathOfABachelor

My sister and I were at some crazy ladies home and we were with my ex friend, a cute girl, and the crazy lady. We were playing games and stuff and I was trying to get the cute girl to like me. Eventually, we were scared because the lady was weird af. We eventually went Into another dimension with everybody else we knew so we would get away from her. Than we all had to fly in an airplane full of water (which was being flew by my dog whilst he was looking for some man he came in the dimension with), and I needed to pee so I got up and headed to the bathroom on the plane, when some crazy a$$ b1tch stole my gun and chased me with It (we all had guns this dimension was horrifying). So then the water filling part of the plane was gone and now everybody was in a huge cage that was on the plane. I had no space left to get In the cage so I had to stay in the small uncomfortable reject pile of the cage. I was uncomfortable because some old guy was hitting on the cute girl I met earlier (I was also furious and jealous) so I crawled out of the cage to hang out with everyone else. After that I think I woke up but Idfk this was hard to remember. I’m pretty sure some scary fighting sh1t happened afterwards with some big a$$ monster but idk.