Date: 12/14/2018
By kidneypunch
had a dream about all the child good shows I used to watch...Ah! Real monsters. Wild thornberries. rockos modern life. shit like that. But really morbid. like wild thornberries; the kids were older but the brother was a serial killer. completely mutilated the dad, the mom and sister no idea. he shot himself before getting caught. Rockos modern life and Ah real monster were together but their whole thing was bdsm. But it was straight up rape cause no one was willing. at one point Rocko was screaming cause of what the monsters were doing to a girl. (thankfully my mind didn't make that up. didn't see anything) there were a couple other ones. But I can't remember. the last one was of Mr Potato head and his son (mind you this kid came out of a flap and it was really gross and disgusting) but his son came out while the "Monster Mash" song was playing and once he was out he just said "I'm gonna find a pumpkin to smash." so yeah. that's new.