Date: 8/17/2019
By Theuntouchedwonder
This is my first time writing things like this, I honestly never seem to be interested in things like these despite the various weird, random, or downright horrifying dreams. I always wanted to have some control over my dreams or at the very least have them make sense. So right now I'm starting my own dream journal to remember what my dreams were, how it happened, and why they occur. Please be sure to comment and give me possible explanations into my experience and give your general input so I could see if anyone has had similar dreams or has some interesting in general to say about. Anyways onto the story. So first I arrived in this normal house that somewhat reminds me of my old home back on Franklin St. It doesn't look the exact same but similar in appearance though it's hard to describe, it looked more.... Larger maybe to fit and adapt to the situation on which I will explain. So most of my family members and even some of my mom's friends are in this dream though I'm not sure why. I could see 2 of my siblings along with my grandmother, grandfather, my mom, Alvin my mom's friend and I few other people whose face I can't remember. Anyways most of the older adults sat on couches they seemingly went around in a circle with the younger kids such as my siblings sitting in the middle and even with myself sitting in the middle leaning my back against the couch. The atmosphere was blurry as most of my dreams and while though I can remember most of the visual details I can't remember what the words are exactly but I can remember that we all raised our hands in an agreement though I'm not sure what it was. The adults started questioning why my hands were shaking though I didn't know myself and I said something back though I'm not sure what, like I said I can't remember much even my own actions though I do remember having pseudo control over my hands but the thought of actually getting up to move didn't occur in fact it seemed all of my mannerisms and behaviour was different and the same thing applies to the other family members something akin aggression or suspicion like something we were doing was wrong but we continued to go along with it anyways. So, a moment later this strange man came into the room and I can't describe his face much though I remember he was wearing an outfit that looked like chef and he was holding something that looked like metal grey teapot. He then went up to me and moved the teapot downward and I opened my mouth (sounds weird I know but nothing sexual) and this weird whitish pink liquid dripped out and fell on my tongue. I remember it tasting like liquid earwax and hot. Anyways shortly afterwards even in my dreams I reacted like it tasted disgusting, which it was and could already see the chief moving on to his next participant. I shortly woke up afterwards with a slight migraine and my teeth feeling more sensitive which nearly always happens. So anyways that's one of my many weird random dreams, right now after this I'm going to do some research on how to have more control over my dreams and study REM sleep on my free time so I can have more knowledge on my dreams and mind. Hope you enjoyed this story though it was kind of lame considering all the strange, bizarre and terrifying dreams other people have but i hope you enjoyed. Dream Record end