Date: 5/4/2016
By Seahorse714
I was in a building overlooking a field. I was in charge of making sure Joey Ramone was buried appropriately because the government was trying to put him somewhere he didn't belong. I had the help of others and we planned a maneuver to steal his body and take off with it. We were being chased by the government. I had Joey in my car and went down a secret road and kept going to more secret roads trying to find a good place. The others met me back at the building which had a secret room. I took him in the secret room and went through doors and ended up in my childhood town Danbury Ct. I came out on to the back road at the FCI (prison) and walked trying to get down the hill to my childhood house. I remember looking out a window of a room and decided to hide him in this room on the floor in a secret hole with his belongings and trying to cover them up and make everything fit neatly. The government people were getting closer and I was rushing but couldn't get everything to fit. I think that's when I woke up.