art project

Date: 1/17/2024

By brookethegreat

In art school. We had a class project to create a 3d form and use it to print an image on paper. Second part of the assignment was critique - we were each assigned one person's project to write a long critique about and help them make a second iteration. My critique-ee did something with apple slices and didn't want to turn it in. I went to her house and formed it in for her because it was my grade too! My object was made of wood and looked like an uneven rolling pin. It printed this image of a woman with 2 faces and a big long cloud of hair. It was a whole thing about double images, like which face is real? Where is the edge of her hair and what's a printing imperfection? Maybe we can never really know, just like we can never completely know people. A little pretentious, but I think it worked and I was proud of it